You accomplish a lot at work each day, but you know you could be doing more. As is common with sit down jobs, you tend to feel overwhelmed as soon as you arrive at your desk each morning.
Whether you’re greeted by a barrage of emails as soon as you turn your computer on or are often left trying to remember where you picked up the day before, you tend to start your morning in chaos. Use these tips to end your day on an organized note, so you can get off to a strong start the next morning.
Three Tasks to Set Yourself Up for Success Tomorrow
Tie Up Loose Ends
When you’re tired at the end of the day, it’s tempting to ignore emails and opt to deal with them tomorrow. This might seem like a good idea in the short-term, but it means you have to play catch-up first thing in the morning. Instead of focusing on new goals for the day ahead, you’re forced to use your time finishing up yesterday’s tasks.
Make a To-Do List
Time management is crucial to your productivity, but it’s hard to hit the ground running each morning without a solid plan in place. Add more structure to your workday by writing a to-do list at the end of each day. This will allow you to come into the office and get right to work because you’ll know exactly what you need to accomplish.
It will also help you better manage your workload. When the requests start coming in, you’ll be able to use your task list to determine your bandwidth for the day.
Straighten Your Workspace
It’s hard to be productive in a messy workspace. Take a few minutes to organize your desk before you leave each evening — i.e., file papers away in the proper folders and throw away disposable food containers — so you can start the morning fresh.
If you leave work without cleaning up the mess, you’ll either have to waste time in the morning cleaning it up or begin your day in yesterday’s chaos — neither of which set you up for success.
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