Making your way in the professional world isn’t easy. With so many available routes to take, it can seem impossible to know the best way to get to your dream job. Finding and befriending a career mentor who is more than willing to play a role in your journey is an incredible way to chart your course to career success — and possibly get there a lot faster than you ever imagined.
Top 4 Reasons to Find a Mentor Immediately
Learn From Someone Who’s Been in Your Shoes
Your mentor is an established professional with a wealth of experience and a really amazing job, but these credentials took years to establish. There’s no better way to follow in their footsteps than asking them to help guide your career — gaining the added benefit of learning from their mistakes, without having to make them yourself.
Get Unbiased Career Advice
Since your mentor doesn’t have a personal stake in your career, you can count on them to offer guidance that’s truly in your best interest. This may involve anything from which skills to acquire to become more competitive — and how to get them — to which parts of the country have the top markets for your line of work. Your boss, family and friends mean well, but it can be hard to separate personal feelings from what is truly best for your career.
Hold Yourself Accountable For Reaching Your Goals
When working on your own, it’s easy to let life get in the way of your journey up the corporate ladder, but your mentor will hold you accountable. If you don’t follow through with plans to gain additional training, look for a new job or ask for a raise, you’ll have to admit failure to a professional you admire — and no one wants to do that.
Expand Your Contact List
As an accomplished professional, your mentor has built an impressive network of people who could do big things for your career. After investing significant time and energy in you, they’ll be more than willing to share their connections, to help make your professional aspirations come true. In business, who you know means everything, so this can catapult your career beyond your wildest dreams.
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