Job satisfaction is about a whole lot more than earning a competitive salary and receiving generous paid time off. If even your best, most productive days at your current job leave you unfulfilled and wanting more, it’s time to make some serious adjustments.
How to Find a Job With Meaning
Working on autopilot at a job you feel ambivalent about —at best — is no way to spend your career. Learn how to find inspiring work that makes you proud of your accomplishments.
Decide What You What From Your Career
Think long and hard about what inspires you to get out of bed each morning and work your hardest. This can be anything from wanting a big salary and a fancy job title to aspiring to support a specific cause — there are no wrong answers. When you know what you want from your career, you can focus all your efforts on making it happen.
Explore Your Options
If money and power are your motivators, figure out what skills you need to advance to the next level and develop a plan to acquire them. On the other hand, if you’re driven to support a certain cause — such as the environment, rescuing animals or helping find a cure for cancer — see if any local nonprofits have jobs in your field. Consider volunteering for the organization to make connections with current staff.
Think Outside the Box
Don’t give up hope if there isn’t a simple way to find the meaningful job you want. Create your own destiny by taking the initiative to make it happen. For example, if your idea of job with purpose is working for a nonprofit that benefits kids with cancer, but there aren’t any in your area, ask your current employer if you can hold an annual fundraiser to support the cause.
The perfect job means something different to everyone — and that’s okay. HTSS, Inc. is committed to helping you achieve total career satisfaction by finding a fulfilling opportunity that makes you proud to go to work each day. Whether you’re searching for an administrative/office, call center/customer service, data entry, accounting/finance, information systems, light industrial, logistics distribution or healthcare position, our Lehigh Valley staffing agency has you covered. Contact us today to get started!