Insights and advice about jobs and hiring in the Lehigh Valley.

Feeling Burnt Out? How Might You Make More Time for Yourself Before or After Work?

Like most people, your life is hectic. Balancing work and personal obligations takes most of your time and energy, leaving you little-to-no time for yourself.

Lately, this lack of personal time is really starting to weigh on you. Maybe you’ve been extra tired, easily irritable or feeling a bit down. No matter what the issue, you know you need to start prioritizing alone time, but you’re not sure how to do it.

Here are a few tips to help you get the ‘me time’ you desperately need and deserve.

Four Ways to Make More Time For Yourself Before or After Work

Ask For Help

You have a lot of responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean every single thing needs to be done by you all the time. If you know you can’t realistically complete every item on your list while also getting some alone time, ask family and friends to help. Loved ones will be happy to pitch in, so you’re able to take a little break to improve your well-being.

Learn to Say No

As a people-pleaser, you want to make others happy. The thing is, your happiness matters too. Saying yes to requests from co-workers, parents at your kids’ school and friends is great when you have the time and energy, but don’t be afraid to politely decline when you don’t. Spreading yourself too thin will only make you feel more burned out than ever.

Put ‘Me Time’ on the Calendar

When you have an important commitment, you likely put it on the family calendar. This is exactly where your ‘me time’ should go too, because ensuring you get this break is essential. When it’s on the calendar, you’ll remember not to schedule other activities during this time and it will also remind your spouse — if you have one — that you’re busy during this period.

Realize the Importance of Downtime

If you don’t understand how important self-care is, you probably won’t make it a regular occurrence. When you take time to yourself, you can truly relax, so you can head back to your daily life feeling refreshed. This will allow you to be the best version of yourself for you and everyone else.

Ready to find a new job that’s truly fulfilling? HTSS, Inc. wants to help you take the next step with a great Lehigh Valley company. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you!


CEO Letter

As a staffing and recruitment professional for over  30 years, I have seen many changes in the industry. Over that time, I’ve witnessed a transformation in the way organizations view staffing services. Today, we see more and more companies using staffing services as a strategic tool, rather than just for temporary fill-ins.

At HTSS, Inc., our focus is on helping companies create proactive workforce plans. Our goal is to help our clients use staffing strategically to increase capacity, overcome hiring freezes, access specialized talent, better manage increased workloads, and enhance overall productivity.

For our candidates, we help to uncover truly rewarding job opportunities—jobs that are a match to each candidate’s skills, and jobs that offer key experience and growth potential.

We look forward to strengthening our relationships with our current clients and candidates, as well as forming new and exciting partnerships in the future.


Pat Howells
HTSS, Inc.