You’re passionate about your work, but lately, you’ve been having a hard time with it. The main problem is your job requires a certain creative spark that you haven’t felt for a while. This of course, has been making you frustrated, which causes you to feel even less inspired.
The good news is this is a totally fixable problem. In the moment, it might feel pretty hopeless, but there are plenty of ways to get your creative spark back. Here are a few ideas to start your day on a different note that can help you feel more stimulated at work.
Four Tips to Reshape Your Morning for a More Creative Day
Get Up Earlier
If you tend to hit snooze five times before getting out of bed, you’re likely starting your day in chaos. When you get up late, you have to get ready in a flash and rush to work, which is stressful. It’s hard to feel creative when you’ve had a hectic morning, so do yourself a favor and start getting up with enough time to breezily flow through your morning instead of having to sprint.
Do a Morning Workout
Get your endorphins flowing by making time for some morning exercise. This can be anything from yoga to kickboxing, as long as you enjoy it. You’ll finish your workout feeling awake and empowered, which will allow you to bring a positive energy into work that can help you look at the projects on your desk in a different light.
Eat a Wholesome Breakfast
Being hungry until lunch is a great way to feel cranky and uninspired. If you typically eat a sugar-filled breakfast or none at all, it’s time to reshape your approach to the most important meal of the day. Consider eating Greek yogurt with granola and berries, avocado toast, an egg white omelet with veggies and a side of whole grain toast or even a bowl of Cheerios with berries. This will fill you up until lunchtime, giving you the energy to feel creative.
Start your day on a centered note by meditating. Even if you only have five or 10 minutes to spare, engaging in this practice will help you manage stress, focus on the present and boost creativity. Taking a few minutes to yourself in the morning might not sound like much, but it can make a world of difference.
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