You were looking for jobs hiring in Easton, PA for quite a while, but you finally found one — thanks to your recruiter. To be honest, you don’t know what you would’ve done without their help, because finding a new job is hard work.
Now that you’ve signed the papers formally committing yourself to a new job, you want to do something to say thanks. Here are a few ideas to display your gratitude.
Three Ways to Thank Your Recruiter
Give a Referral
You’re beyond happy with the service you received from your recruiter, so tell your network. Whether your contacts are managers looking to hire or job seekers ready to make a career move, your recruiter will really appreciate a referral.
This will help bring new clients into their staffing firm, which is how they stay in business. It’s actually an all-around win because you’ll also be helping someone from your network connect with top talent or land a great new job — like you just did.
Make a Great Impression
Recruiters are typically able to help clients find better jobs than they would secure on their own and at a much faster pace, because of their connections. Therefore, your behavior is a direct reflection of them, so they’re trusting you to make them look good.
They already kept their end of the bargain by finding you a great job, now do your part by behaving in a manner that will make them proud — i.e., following the rules at your new company and working hard. This will make your boss want to continue doing business with them in the future, because they’ll want to hire more talent like you.
Get the Most From It
You asked for a job that checked certain boxes, and your recruiter delivered. As you know, this isn’t easy, so thank them by realizing your full potential.
Take advantage of every learning opportunity offered during your time in this position, so you can gain valuable skills to put on your resume. When you call your recruiter to help you find your next job, make them proud of all you’ve accomplished at this one.
Want help finding a great new job in the Lehigh Valley? HTSS, Inc. is here to guide your search. Contact us today to get started!